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2010-04-20 Baby Max peeked his head from Armond's shirt and looked at younger Armond
Older Max was reading a book in Latin
2010-04-20 Baby Max played with younger Armond;s hair
Older Max jumped off the couch, "I'll help, daddy." He ran 0
after older Armond
2010-04-20 Old Max fallowed he grabed Armond's hand and smiled up at Armond
Baby Max smiled and cuddled him more
2010-04-21 Old Max smiled and walked with Armond holding his hand
Baby Max giggled and cuddled him more.
2010-04-21 Old Max walked in the room with Armond smiling he looked at younger Armond and smiled a very Armond smile
2010-04-21 Younger Armond sighed.
2010-04-21 Older Max smiled and hugged older Armond, "See you laters daddys." He ran out of the room to his room.
Baby Max looked at older Armond and giggled, "Daddys."
2010-04-22 Older Max ran in with his drawing books and set them on the floor and smiled as he started drawing
2010-04-22 Older Max frowned than went back to drawing as he hummed a tune that Armond sung to him all the time
Baby Max cuddled to Armond
2010-04-22 Baby Max fell to sleep cuddling to him
A dog barked and you could hear a swish if a dog door and loud sound of paws
Older Max, "Opps Daddy forgot to feed her this morning."
2010-04-22 Older Max, "Yeah it's Kira yous gots me her on my birth days caUSE YOUR THE BESTS DADDYS."
2010-04-22 Older Max smiled and jumped up and hugged the dog around the neck smiling
Baby Max woke up and giggled, "Wolfie!"
2010-04-22 Older MAx held on to the dog;s neck as he looked at younger MAx, "No her name is Kira."
The dog licked Max;s head than set him down and ran out of the room barking when she was hungery she manly destoryed the house.
Older MAx, "You gotta feed her or she'll mess up everything....
2010-04-22 Younger Armond sighed."Okay I'll feed the dog." he stood up."Hold younger you for a second okay?"
2010-04-22 Older Max nodded and sat on the couch and held out his arms
You could hear the dog bark and something brake
2010-04-22 Younger Armond give Older Max, younger Max. Then he walked to the kitchen and put some dog food in a bowl and put it on the kitchen floor."Kira food!"
2010-04-22 Kira ran in and wagged her tail she jumped on Armond making him fall to the ground and licked his face
2010-04-22 Older Max set Max down in one of his old playpins in the libaey that Armond still used sometimes when Max was in troble since he was small enough and went in there. "No like this. Kira down." HE snapped and Kira got off
2010-04-22 Max frowned, "My names not kid and you named me you should know that."
Kira walked in the the libary and started ripping up Max's drawings
Baby Max warched
2010-04-22 Max frowned and walked back in the libary he frowned more and started to cry seeing Kira rip up his drawings
2010-04-22 Older Max cryed more as Kira ripped up his drawings
Younger Max frowned confussed and started to cry
2010-04-22 Younger Armond picked up baby Max and held him with one arm then he knelt on the ground and wrapped one arm around older Max and held him.
2010-04-22 Older Max sniffed and looked at Armond with his mums eyes, younger Max's eyes havn't change yet since he wasn;t old enough and where still blue
2010-04-22 Younger Armond nodded."Okay I'll put younger you down for a nap." he stood up as he let go of Older Max.
2010-04-22 Younger Armond put baby Max in the play pen."Now son sleep for a bit, okay?" he kissed his head and covered him with a blanket
2010-04-22 Baby Max nodded and curled up as he sucked his thomb
Older Max tagged Armond, "Your it." He giggled and ran away
2010-04-22 Max smiled and went in Armond's room it had a few of Max's drawing on the walls framed he went and hid behind a curtin
2010-04-22 Max covered his mouth and got nervuse and acidently started to shift but he could still only get the tail and eats so a tial was under the curtin
2010-04-23 Max walked in to his room it had a huge bed with big pellows on it and more of his drawing on the wall there was toys around the place but more books than toys he smiled and let go off Armond's hand going to his closet and grabing [js he smiled and held them out to Armond
2010-04-23 Older Max snored sleeping
Baby Max frowned and stood up holding on the bars he frowned and looked around, "Daddys?"
2010-04-23 Baby Max was still sleeping but he had crwled on Armond's chir and covered up with Armond's jacket so it didn't even look like anything was there but Armond jacket since Max was so small
2010-04-23 Older Armond walked to his chair and saw his jacket moving, like it was breathing. He frowned.
2010-04-23 Baby Max sleept more sucking his thomb but his fangs where out so he screached his thomb a bit
2010-04-23 Older Armond pulled back his coat and saw baby Max."Awwww bless little one." he sighed and picked him up and held him
2010-04-24 Older Armond walked into Older MAx's room adn saw Younger Armond and Older MAx sleeping on the bed
2010-04-24 Max looked at them
Older MAx smiled sleeping it was way past the time he woke up from his naps
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